Advanced Nutrigenomics LLC is registered in the State of North Carolina (U.S.A.) beginning January 2014 (SOSID: 1358634).
Mihai Niculescu, MD, PhD
Founder & CEO

Dr. Mihai Niculescu graduated The Carol Davila University of Medicine (Bucharest, Romania) in 1995. Immediately after graduation, he was hired as an Assistant Professor at The Shool of Medicine in Brasov (Romania), where he taught human physiology to medical students. He also practiced medicine at his private practice.
In 2000 he begun a PhD program at UNC Chapel Hill, Department of Nutrition, having as mentor Dr. Steven Zeisel (the most authoritative figure in the field of choline research). During his PhD program, Dr. Niculescu and Dr. Zeisel established, for the first time, that choline deficiency is responsible for the epigenetic alteration of brain development during pregnancy.
After his graduation in 2005, he continued working at UNC Chapel Hill as a Research Assistant Professor until 2008, when he moved to UNC Nutrition Research Institute in Kannapolis. Here he continued developing his research in the nutritional epigenetics. His research aims at unraveling how maternal nutrition influences the epigenetic development of the child, especially the brain. In collaboration with other faculty members, Dr. Niculescu is trying to understand how both genetic variability and epigenetics contribute to the role of nutrition in health and disease.
He is internationally recognized as an expert in his field. He has over 30 publications in peer-reviewed journals, he edited one book, and is the author of several book chapters in books published by prestigious publishing houses. He is a peer-reviewer for over 25 scientific journals. Dr. Niculescu lectured at numerous scientific meetings in US and abroad (Europe and China). He is a grant reviewer for several funding agencies, including NIH, Medical Research Council (UK), Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (UK), King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Saudi Arabia), The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (The Netherlands), and Qatar National Research Fund (Qatar).
Martin Kohlmeier, MD, PhD
Science Advisor
After medical school and residency training, Dr. Martin Kohlmeier completed graduate studies in bioinformatics, clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine at Heidelberg University, at the Max Planck Institute for Nutrition Research in Dortmund, and later at the Free University in Berlin.
Dr. Kohlmeier holds a faculty appointment in nutrition at the Medical School and the School of Public Health of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and also at the UNC Nutrition Research Institute in Kannapolis. He is the author of two standard textbooks, “Nutrient Metabolism” and “Nutrigenetics: The Science of Personal Nutrition”.
His long-term interests concern the role of genetic variation in nutrient metabolism and the translation of nutrigenetic information into practice. Dr. Kohlmeier is the author of more than 60 science papers. Dr. Kohlmeier is internationally recognized as an expert in nutrigenomics, as attested by his involvement in peer and grant reviews, numerous editorial activities, and by his lectures at conferences.